Nintendo Switch 2 Reveal Trailer
Well I woke up this morning to see that the reveal trailer for the switch 2 has finally dropped.
There was a lot of theorizing that the trailer would be dropped today an apparently they were right. I'm a little surprised that it dropped so early in the day, given that the first switch's trailer dropped in the afternoon.
Either way it's finally here and my honest reaction is I'm kinda dissappointed? I figured there would be more of a gimmick rather than it just being a direct sequel. The Switch 2 is a sequel in the way that Mario Galaxy 2 is a sequel I suppose. There are some noew things I suppose. First of all, it's bigger, which I'm not really sure is a good thing. I was never the type to play the switch portably, but making the Switch 2 larger kinda makes that more difficult. I suppose it won't make too much of a difference since the original wasn't exactly something you could fit in your pocket.
The other new thing is the Joy Cons themselves, that being that they appear to have some sory of magnetic connection rather than clicking on like the original. This is neat but it makes me wonder how easily the controllers will stay on. Im sure they've tested the possibility for this, but I'm concerned that you might be able to pull the controllers off too easily. I really doubt that's the case but it's just a thought I had.
The last thing of note is that there is going to be a new Mario kart! woohoo!! I remember picking up Mario Kart 8 over a decade ago. It's crazy that there hasn't been a proper sequel to it in so long, not including the deluxe version for the switch. I do enjoy that game a lot and I think the booster courses were a really nice addition, essentially doubling the content of the game for 30 bucks, but I think it's time for a new game finally. they have a new kart design for the basic Kart and it seems like there may be 24 player races? That would be something neat. I'm hoping that for the Switch 2 they start leaining into 8 player games, like how smash bros is. I have a family with a lot of kids in it and whenever my cousins visit we always play stuff like smash bros, Pico Park (although that one makes us rage a lot), and Boomerang Fu, which are all games that we can play at the same time together. I would be so psyched if there were even more games that included that many players.
Oh yeah also digital and physical content will be backwards compatible.
I wonder how the digital backwards compatability will work. Hopefully that means I get two copies of duck game,one for the original and one for the Switch 2. If it's the case that you can only play the games on one console that would be kinda lame but not too unexpected.
Well that's my thoughts on the reveal so far. More information is coming out in April so I guess I'll have to wait until then to form a better opinion.