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September 9th 2024

Blog thing that i'll try to update every once in a while idk i just figured out how to make a website just a second ago.


Hello! I am very bored in my college class right now so I'm writing another entry. Idk how much I have to talk about this time but I'll try to make it interesting.
Umm I guess I did start working at Wendy's again which is alright. it's definitely my least favorite job but honestly it isn't that bad. I think the hardest part is that I work from 11-8 with only a 30 minute break in between, but I only work one day a week so it could be a lot worse. Something cool that's coming soon with Wendy's is there's gonna be a Krabby Patty Meal or burger or something. There's gonna be some new sauce for it which makes sense. If you were going to put a Krabby Patty in a restraunt as an item you would have to change it up slightly because the Krabby Patty is essentially just a normal burger. Aside from the krabby patty there is also going to be a pineapple frosty I think. I could be wrong about the frosty thing but I am very convinced there is going to be a Krabby Patty since I heard it directly from my manager. I just kinda forgot exactly what was going to be there for the frosty. But yeah that's pretty cool if you ask me.
Other than Wendy's I also went back to my daycare job which is really nice. Of course I am trying to become a teacher so daycare is a nice way to work into that job. The kids are very goofy and they were very happy to see me come back after being gone all summer.
I've been talking a lot about work this time but that's kind of because I've been trying to keep busy simce I got back. I feel like if I'm not busy I stop living in the moment and start dwelling on the past or worrying about the future... which is NOT FUN!! That's why I loved working at camp so much, because I was always busy, and then when I finished work I would just have silly funtimes with my friends for about two hours until I went to bed.There was no time to stress about stupid life stuff.
At one point I forgot I would even be leaving the camp. I thought I would just be perpetually working there forever, and honestly it didn't seem that bad. I had kind of forgotten about life back at home, as much as that kind of feels bad to say. I love my brothers and my friends back at home but there is a lot of bad stuff back home, and it was nice to get away from all of it, even if it was just for two months. Overall camp has convinced me that I need to get out of the town I live in. I feel like I'm really being held back by living here, and I could be a lot happier somewhere else. I always wondered if the reason I struggled making friends was because I was just a bad person, but making so many friends at camp made me realize that it's not me, it's just that the people who live around here suck. I had always kind of known that but at least I know it's not a me problem. Well it is a problem that I have but that's not exactly what I mean.

Ok I feel like this one got way too deep. This was just supposed to be a short silly entry but it went on a lot longer than I thought. Which isn't a bad thing! ok thank you for reading all of this and I hope to see you at my next entry