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August 27th 2024

Blog thing that i'll try to update every once in a while idk i just figured out how to make a website just a second ago.


Wow has it really been this long already. I kind of neglected this site when I went to work at camp (which I will discuss more later). I didn't really have much time to use my computer because of how busy this was so this website kinda fell to the wayside. In website news I figured out how to get the cat to follow your cursor which is a cool part of the website. very happy about that.

But in real life news I have just spent the last 2 months (Jun 12th - August 12th) working at a summer camp! The summer camp was for people with disabilities of all kinds and it had all different age groups there. How it worked was you would get assigned a camper/campers you had to take care of for the week long session, and you would have to make sure they were showered/getting to their activities on time/eating breakfast etc. Us counselors woke up at 7:15 to start work and other than an hour break which was suually after lunch we would work until 8:30 at night when we put our camper to bed. Also every night 2 counselors from the lodge would have to sleep inside the campers' lodge in case the overnight staff, who is the person who stays awake the whole night, needs any help. There was a schedule for who had to sleep in the lodge so you would only ever have to do it once a week. Honestly there's so much I could write about camp that I could probably make an entire 20+ page google doc about my time there, and maybe I will! who knows!

But anyways enough about just the camp how about the stuff I did while I was in California. I made a lot of friends at camp with the other counselors there. After we get off work at 8:30 we would usually head into the staff lounge. They had a big TV in there with every streaming service as well as a big couch with bean bags. There was also a fridge and pantry where you could put snacks into. We had some issues with snacks being stolen and I don't believe they ever figured out who the culprit was.
As for sleeping, the counselor lodges were seperated into male and female lodges. There were also some mixed-gender bungalows you could sleep in that housed 4 people but I didn't stay in that one. I stayed in the men's lodge which had a bunch of bunk beds for everyone to sleep in and crammed about 30 people in the building. I of course called a top bunk in the corner. It was a pretty nice spot and gave the most privacy out of any spot in the room. Granted sleeping on the top bunk is annoying for when you need to pee in the middle of the night or get some water, but all things considered it was a pretty good sleeping situation. I didn't have an electrical outlet near my bed so what I did is charge a portable charger during the day and then bring it into bed with me so I could have my phone with me in bed and not worry about it dying

On the weekends I did a decent amount of traveling to places with my friends. We went to Santa Cruz, saw a baseball game in San Francisco. I also saw the 4th of July fireworks in San Francisco which tbh were very disappointing. They were almost exactly the same as the fireworks in my small town back home. There was this one kid who kept saying wow to every single firework he saw so that made it way more fun.
I also have to commend California on its In-N-Out. Just an incrediblefast food restraunt. Not only are the burgers to die for, it's so cheap relative to everything else in California that there's no other place like it. You can get the best burger ever made (double double animal styke with no lettce and no tomatoes) for 6 bucks which is a steal

Anyways California was great and I loved working at camp and plan on going back next year. Unfortunately I had to leave camp early but I still got to say goodbye to all my camp friends. And I'm sure I'll be seeing them again sometime. Getting back home has been nice. I definitely am greatful to see my family again after 2 months away. College classes are going good and I expect they'll stay that way. I guess I'll update this website in another 2 or so months whenever something cool happens. peace out.